Mazin Hamad, Simone Nertinger, Robin J. Kirschner, Luis Figueredo, Abdeldjallil Naceri, and Sami Haddadin
Proceedings of Human-Friendly Robotics 2023: 16th International Workshop
As of today, robots exhibit impressive agility but also pose potential hazards to humans using/collaborating with them. Consequently, safety is considered the most paramount factor in human-robot interaction (HRI). This paper presents a multi-layered safety architecture, integrating both physical and cognitive aspects for effective HRI. We outline critical
requirements for physical safety layers as service modules that can be arbitrarily queried. Further, we showcase an HRI scheme that addresses human factors and perceived safety as high-level constraints on a validated impact safety paradigm. The aim is to enable safety certification of human-friendly robots across various HRI scenarios.
@misc{hamad2023concise, title={A Concise Overview of Safety Aspects in Human-Robot Interaction}, author={Mazin Hamad and Simone Nertinger and Robin J. Kirschner and Luis Figueredo and Abdeldjallil Naceri and Sami Haddadin}, year={2023}, eprint={2309.09936}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.RO} }