Giorgio Simonini, Rachele Nebbia Colomba, Chiara Sammarco, Franco Angelini, Antonio Bicchi, and Mathew Jose Pollayil
Proceedings of the I-RIM Conference 2022

Operational-space impedance control allows to as-sign a mass-damper-spring (MDS) behavior to the end effector of a robotic manipulator. This aids resilience when interactions with the environment or humans are expected. While changing the virtual mass is not always practicable since it requires using precise force/torque sensors, varying the stiffness and damping can be useful to intuitively modify the response of the robot to external perturbations. In this paper, considerations are made on MDS systems regarding oscillations and impulse responses of the system when its impedance is varied. These observations are then validated in simulation using a two degrees of freedom (DoFs) robotic arm.
@inproceedings{simonini2022insights, title=Insights on Oscillations and Impulses in Variable Impedance Control, author=Giorgio Simonini, Rachele Nebbia Colomba, Chiara Sammarco, Mathew Jose Pollayil, Franco Angelini and Antonio Bicchi, booktitle=2022 I-RIM Conference, DOI=10.5281/zenodo.7531348, pages={180--182}, year = 2022, organization=I-RIM }