Milestone 3, 2024

Through live demonstrations at the Forum der Zukunft/KI.Fabrik in München, we have showcased the current state of the art for the project. During a series of live demonstrations, we presented the current implementation of core components for perception, planning and control for picking and throwing, human perception and scene understanding, human-aware mapping and human–robot spatial interaction, motion planning, task scheduling, as well as the mobile dynamic manipulation platform itself. The throwing capabilities of an elastic arm have also been presented…
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DARKO project in Innovation Radar

We are happy that the following DARKO innovations have been acknowledged by the European Commission.Read more at Innovation Radar > Discover great EU-funded innovations ( and search for DARKO.
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Milestone 2, 2023

The integration phase in Stuttgart team was an intense and dedicated effort, characterized by extended working hours, including late nights and early mornings. This period was marked by the coming together of highly motivated and skilled teams, all focused on ensuring the highest levels of safety, efficiency, and smooth operation of the robotic systems. The primary goal during this phase was the successful deployment and integration of all the new features that had been meticulously developed and refined in the…
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